Jared Eberwein: What happens in Vegas…

“At the end of March, a pretty ideal situation worked out for me. I had a show pop up on my schedule for a pre k show for a center in Vegas, which it’s hard for me to travel or be away from the family. I already know better if I’m going out of town, and it’s somewhere even close to appealing to my wife. I come up with and factor in some sort of plan for he to join, and make a little vacation out of it. That being said, that’s exactly what I did and my plan started to unfold as I already confirmed my wife was free to go. Lined up my mom to watch the boys, Devin getting of work, got the hotel sorted, and it was set! A little plan that came together revolving around the main plan of shows, it worked out great. I met a friend, Blake Hicks in Kansas, doing shows for All Wheel Sports one summer years ago. Blake rides flatland and has been involved its show for a long time, does a lot of work for circ mechanics, travels the world, etc. He’s also really handy and into LED lighting, electrical work, and he put the two high interest of his together, BMX and LED lighting. Pretty much making his own version of a TRON bike. No one has done what Blake has, not committed enough, driven, or smart enough haha. Blake stuck into some attention he wasn’t sure what would turn into. I think it was slow going at first, but he’s made a lot of samples, prototypes, and always learning and progressing the work he’s already the only one doing. He rides flatland only, so he wanted to take it the discipline level of jumping and flying through the air. This is where we’ve joined forces.

I shipped out a bike one week before I went out to Vegas to meet Blake, which really wasn’t enough time for Blake to apply ALL of the light comfortably, but he didn’t disappoint and followed through all the way. I don’t know ghe amount of work that needs to go into all of it, but I can tell by looking at the bike, ITS A LOT! Blake mentioned that he had 23 hours into the bike from start to finish, and still needed a little bit more touch ups. The bike is obviously heavier than normal, but considering the amount of lights that are in the bike, isn’t too shabby I’d say. I arrive at Blake, do a few touch ups, and head to the local skatepark by his place. We ride for a little bit in the lights to get use to you, then wait for the lights to shut off. In no time I was doing air out tables, bunny hop tailwhips, and flips in the dark. The amount of light that the LEDs put off are crazy, granite you can’t see what’s going on until literally RIGHT before you because I’m the moving light haha, but it was really cool. Can’t wait to see more from our future endeavors!”