
October 26, 2017

Profile’s Tech Tip #40: Profile and Madera Hub Spoke Calculator

It would take a year’s worth of posts to cover all the Profile hub and rim combinations.
To make things easier for you, below is a quick list of the most common combos we offer here from the Profile factory.
Note: We only carry Sun Rims.

In the event that you need reference for another style rim, click the link here and make sure for hub selection, you choose “Profile” (Not “Profile Racing” as that offers an incomplete list).

Most popular Profile X Sun Rim combos are as follows.
All lengths are for 3 Cross.

Mini, Elite or Madera Pilot Front Hub on a 20″ Sun Envy: 186mm
Mini, Elite or Madera Pilot Front Hub on a 20″ Big Baller: 188mm

Mini or Madera V2 Rear on a 20″ Sun Envy: 184mm drive / 186mm non-drive
Mini or Madera V2 Rear on a 20″ Big Baller: 184mm drive / 188mm non-drive

Elite Rear on a 20″ Sun Envy: 184mm drive / 186mm non-drive
Elite Rear on a 20″ Big Baller: 184mm drive / 188mm non-drive

Profile ZCoaster Rear on a 20″ Big Baller: 182mm drive / 186mm non-drive

Mini, Elite or Madera Pilot Front Hub on a 24″ Sun Envy: 236mm

Mini or Madera V2 Rear on a 24″ Sun Envy: 234mm drive / 236mm non-drive

Elite Rear on a 24″ Sun Envy: 234mm drive / 236mm non-drive

Elite or Mini Front or Rear on a 28 hole 20 x 1-1/8″ Assault: 213mm

We hope this helps?

October 26, 2017


We are taking precautions to protect our employees and follow CDC and state guidelines. In the meantime, our machine shop is still running, we're here to assist you and we'll be shipping product to help support bike shops during this difficult time.